Friday, February 19, 2010

Portland's Police Force

What is going on with these guys? Last week, they shot a man who agreed to emerge from the house and was coming out backwards with his hands behind his head. That incident is the latest in a long string of Portland Police Bureau brutality.

I can't understand why the Police shoot to kill. What justification do they use for such excessive force? What's wrong with tazing and bean bagging?

Thirteen years ago I was arrested. The arresting officer did everything in his power to escalate the situation - he wanted to turn my misdemeanor into a felony, probably to make the arrest more worthwhile. He swore at me, he was insulting, aggressive, and rude. He told me he actually enjoyed bullying the people he arrested.

Have policemen always been this aggressive? I think they all need to become vegans and do yoga. Namaste.